The Points North PT Laser Therapy Program
Points North PT now offers laser therapy using a Lightforce XLi class 4 therapy laser which promotes rapid tissue healing for specific musculoskeletal conditions. This is a separate service from physical therapy and not covered by insurance. The class 4 XLi laser is currently used in sports medicine on professional sports teams and Olympic athletes to expedite healing for quick return to competition. We have been having great results using laser technology to shorten healing times for acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions in my clinic, and I am delighted to be able to offer it to the community.
Laser treatment is useful for many musculoskeletal conditions, including but not limited to muscle strains, tendinitis/tendinosis, ligament, cartilage and meniscus injury, herniated disc, adhesive capsulitis, wound healing, and post-surgical recovery. Treatment is safe, comfortable, and priced to be affordable at $50 per treatment, due at the time of service. If you would like to find out more about the laser program and whether laser treatment can help you, please reach out! Contact me through the website email at kathleen@pointsnorthphysicaltherapy.com or give me a call at 203-260-0215.
Where to find us
Points North Sports & Regenerative PT
435 Points North Rd.
Stowe, VT 05672
Phone: (203) 260-0215
Fax: (802) 264-8519
Email: info@pointsnorthphysicaltherapy.com